Voiçi un communiqué de la Yukon Quest .

A ce sujet , si M. Richard Tremblay consulte le site de temps a autre j'aimerais bien que vous me contactiez svp.. 

Dear Musher,

Last year the Starter Program was piloted in Fairbanks and had good success for its first year.  For this 2011 race, the Program is mandatory for all mushers and we have already put your names and images on the Yukon Quest website.  All proceeds of the Starter Program are an addition to the purse!

Fans bid on the opportunity to become the “Official Starter” for their favorite musher.  The auction is on the Yukon Quest website and will be promoted through every means available on both sides of the border.

The “Official Starter” package is listed as:

1.            One ticket to the Start Banquet to join your musher’s table. (Mushers - please keep this in mind when you are inviting guests to join you.)

2.            Access Pass to the staging area pre-race to watch (help) your musher prepare.

3.            Ride to the start line with your musher (Either on the runners or a volunteer snowmachine)

4.            Autographed poster signed by your musher.

5.            Picture at Start Line holding sled with your musher in the start chute.

6.            Name read by announcer at Start.

We encourage you to go online and increase the experience for the bidders by adding to your individual package. This could be anything that you think would make you and your kennel more attractive to bidders and certainly at your discretion.   You can advertise any additional perks on the auction website calling your local favorite – Marie or Stephanie - to get that going for you!

Administrative fees incurred by the Yukon Quest will be $100 per musher (Start Banquet ticket, poster and photographer expenses) so bids will start at a minimum of $100.00.

Please take a look at the website, decide what you might like to add to your package and assist us and the purse by promoting this opportunity anywhere you can – even your mother-in-law!

Thanks to all of you and have a great race!

Georgina Leslie

Executive Director


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